Oleksandr Hrushko – Seminar
Foster poster award Sana Shaukat was honored with the Best Poster Award for her research presentation at the conference held at Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier. Her poster, titled “Spark Plasma Sintering Technique for Optimizing Magnetic Properties of Bulk Nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B Magnet,” highlighted innovative advancements in enhancing the performance of Nd-Fe-B magnets, crucial for renewable energy systems and electrical machinery. The research utilized the Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) technique to rapidly consolidate nanostructured materials while preserving their fine grain structure, essential for superior magnetic properties. By optimizing SPS parameters such as temperature and pressure, the study demonstrated notable improvements in magnetic performance without the use of heavy rare earth elements. This work emphasizes a cost-effective and efficient approach for developing high-performance magnets with improved thermal stability and coercivity, offering valuable solutions for next-generation energy and industrial applications.
dr. David Salamon – Seminar
In October 2024, the Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit and Exhibition (SIPS 2024) was held in Crete, Greece, featuring plenary lectures by Nobel Laureates and multidisciplinary scientific symposia. Researchers from the Department of Nanostructured Materials presented invited lectures at the SISAM (Science of Intelligent & Sustainable Advanced Ferromagnetic and Superconducting Magnets) Symposium, dedicated to Prof. Dr. Ludwig Schultz, Professor Emeritus at the Metallic Materials and Metal Physics Institute, TU Dresden. At the event, Dr. Tomaž Tomše, a member of the Department, received the prestigious “Wutrich International Young Star Award” for outstanding scientific performance in the early stages of his career, awarded yearly by the FLOGEN Sustainability Network. Dr. Tomše’s work focuses on developing innovative manufacturing strategies for Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets, using rapid powder consolidation with reduced critical raw materials.
Fusion Materials Research Group from Jožef Stefan Institute Wins First Prize at SOFT Innovation Prize 2024 From September 22 to 27, the 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT) took place in Dublin, Ireland, during which the SOFT Innovation Prizes for 2024 were awarded. For the first time in history, Slovenian researchers received this prestigious award. The Fusion Materials Research Group from the Department for Nanostructured Materials at the Jožef Stefan Institute was recognized for their development of materials for the divertor, the thermally most loaded part of future fusion reactors. The prizes, funded by the EU’s Euratom program, are awarded for groundbreaking projects, which accelerate fusion research and promote collaboration between researchers and industry. 1st Prize (€50,000): Petra Jenuš, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia 2nd Prize (€30,000): Alexander Feichtmayer, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Germany 3rd Prize (€20,000): Stephane Gazzotti, CEA IRFM, MATISEC, France
Neža Sodnik received the Award for best poster presentation, titled Electrochemical Detection of Benzisothiazolinone on Screen-Printed Electrodes, at the 9th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry—South-East Europe. The symposium took place in Novi Sad, Serbia, from June 3rd to 7th, 2024.Congratulations!
Prof Annalisa Chiocchetti – Seminar Precision medicine is a groundbreaking approach to disease treatment and prevention that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person. This method stands in contrast to the traditional one-size-fits-all approach to medicine, where treatments and medications are developed with the average patient in mind. Nevertheless, we are far from it, and continued research, investment in healthcare infrastructure and policies are essential for realizing the full potential of this approach. This will take a long time and will not be achievable by 2030 as initially hoped. Great efforts have been undertaken to identify alternative approaches. One, involves organ on chip technology, that allows to model individual variability on a small 3D cell culturing platform. Will this be the answer to the huge unmet clinical need of selecting the right drug for the right patient? A tentative response in this lecture. Prof…
With the final INSPIRES project (EIT RawMaterials) meeting, the members of the Nanostructured Materials Department (Dr. Benjamin Podmiljšak, Dr. Tomaž Tomše, and Prof. Dr. Spomenka Kobe) in the consortium of 11 partners reported on the achieved goals. The INSPIRES project in the RIS Slovenia region has demonstrated a successful example of a circular economy without waste. Through radical eco-innovations in the recycling of permanent magnets, with a focus on the easily accessible resource of motors in household appliances, we have developed new automated processes for dismantling waste appliances and recovering magnets from them. We have established recycling methods and tested new circular economy pathways with key industrial partners within the region (Kolektor, Gorenje, Domel, ZEOS, Surovina). We have analyzed their sustainable performance in terms of economic and environmentally sound life cycles. Knowledge and technologies from non-RIS regions (recycling technology was provided by the German partner University of Pforzheim) contributed to…
RE-ENGINEERING PERMANENT MAGNETS FOR THE GREEN TRANSITION: EU PROJECT GREENE KICKS OFF Bohinj, Slovenia: On 4th and 5th June, a consortium of 15 European partners led by the Slovenian Jožef Stefan Institute kicked off GREENE, short for SINGLE-GRAIN RE-ENGINEERED Nd-Fe-B PERMANENT MAGNETS, an EU project with a funding of €8 million. Over a four-year period, partners will develop high-energy Nd-Fe-B based magnets, innovatively re-engineering them at the single grain level to minimize the overall Rare Earth (RE) content, thus reducing environmental impact and supply dependencies for these critical raw materials. Rare-earth element (REE) permanent magnets based on Neodymium Iron Boron (Nd-Fe-B) are vital components of high-tech products enabling a green energy future, like e-vehicles and wind turbines. With the advancement of the green transition, magnet demand is increasing drastically – supply, however, is under threat. The EU is dependent on imports, mainly from China, and geopolitical tensions, environmental issues connected…
Lara Einfalt – Seminar MPŠ predavalnica_10.05.2024
Mnemonic Rutile–Rutile Interfaces Triggering Spontaneous Dissociation of Water (Adv. Mater. 4/2024) Vesna Ribić, Vanja Jordan, Sandra Drev, Janez Kovač, Goran Dražić, Aleksander Rečnik First published: 25 January 2024 https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202470027 ADMA-36(4)_IFC_cover foto
The European Commission has endorsed two significant project proposals from the “Jožef Stefan” Institute’s Nanostructured Materials Department with high marks, allocating €15.4 million for research on permanent magnets essential for the Green Transition. Leading the SINGLE-GRAIN RE-ENGINEERED Nd-Fe-B PERMANENT MAGNETS (GREENE) project, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kristina Žužek will oversee the project coordination and efforts in developing high-energy Nd-Fe-B-based magnets, innovatively engineering them at the single grain level, with a funding of €2 million. This project includes setting up a demonstration line in Slovenia. The BEETHOVEN project researchers the SUBSTITUTION OF RARE EARTHS FOR ADVANCED NOVEL MAGNETS IN ENERGY AND TRANSPORT APPLICATIONS, with a €0.5 million contribution to the institute, with Dr. Petra Jenuš in the lead. This project aims to innovate in magnet technology by replacing rare earth elements with high-entropy alloys, ferrite composites, and W-type ferrites. The financing agreement is expected to be signed in spring 2024. https://www.ijs.si/ijsw/V001/JSI
Abhilash Krishnamurthy – Seminar III_25.1.2024
Innovation day Ljubljana 2023 Innovation-Day-2023-A4-en-PREVIEW-PAGES (1)
the documentary film “Made in Europe, from mine to electric vehicle”, filmed by Dr. Tom Peter Jones from KU Leuven, with whom we have already successfully collaborated on the DEMETER project.
Contribution of K7 in the recycling of waste magnets, which was broadcast on RTV SLO in the program Ugriznimo znanost, on the topic of the criticality of raw materials and recycling. https://www.rtvslo.si/rtv365/arhiv/174999771?s=tv https://365.rtvslo.si/arhiv/ugriznimo-znanost/174999857
dr. Tomaž Tomše and dr. Petra Jenuš from the Department of Nanostructured Materials K7 participated in the international tender ERA-MIN3: Transnational Call 2023 RAW MATERIALS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY with their projects SIREN – Rapidly sintered re-engineered Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets based on recycle content (Tomše) and GENIUS – Greener permanent magnets without or with less critical raw materials (Jenuš) ranked first and second out of 45 applications from around the world that were included in the evaluation. Both projects are aimed at environmentally improved technologies and at the same time increasing the recycling of permanent magnets, without which we cannot imagine the operation of electric motors or of wind turbine generators. With this, both projects will make a significant contribution to the green transition strategies. Both projects are also the only projects accepted for financing in which a Slovenian institution participates or is coordinated. Congratulations! Figure: Magnetic…
Ahmed Alsadig – Seminar (002)
Researchers’ Night on 29.9.2023, from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM at the IJS Gallery, main building. We invite you to an exciting journey into the world of physics and chemistry, where we will explore the behaviour of materials through various experiments. Our adventure will also take us into the enchanting realm of magic sand, magnets and materials at the microscopic level. Additionally, we will have a unique opportunity to visit an electron microscope, which will open the doors to the mysterious world in miniature that is invisible to the eye. Join us on this journey and experience the magic of the microscopic world! 😊
Razpis/pogoji za strokovnega sodelavca H027003 VII/2 za delo na projektu avtonomnega laboratorija na Odseku za nanostrukturne materiale K7 Opis del. mesta in zadolžitve: Delo na projektu postavitve avtonomnega laboratorija, vodenje projekta in skupine Koordiniranje skupine, ki pokriva aktivnosti na področju razvoja strojne in programske opreme za eksperimentalnega robota Uporaba MS Office orodij in programske opreme za krmiljenje aparatur; Delo v mednarodni skupini, z ljudmi; Možnost napredovanja in nadaljnjega izobraževanja; Možnost izobraževanja na delavnicah in obisk konferenc v Sloveniji in v tujini; Delovne izkušnje niso zahtevane, so pa zaželene; Plačilo po javnem plačnem sistemu; Zaposlitev za določen čas s poskusno dobo 6 mesecev in možnostjo zaposlitve za nedoločen čas. Zahteve: stopnja izobrazbe – zaželena je (ni pa obvezno) zaključena druga bolonjska stopnja (ali ekvivalentno) Prednost imajo kandidati z izobrazbo tehniških smeri: elektrotehnika, robotika, strojništvo, mehatronika, računalništvo in informatika Znanje vsaj enega izmed programskih paketov za krmiljenje aparatur Osnovno znanje angleškega jezika…
Prof. Eckert and Dr. Bachmaier_Department lecture -18.09.2023
Diana Knyzhnykova – Seminar II_18.9.2023
CEMM_RAZPIS 21.7.2023
Berlot-imaginarni skirmioni Otvoritev razstave BARVECOLORS
Members of the Department for Nanostructured Materials Monika Kušter, dr. Zoran Samardžija, dr. Matej Komelj, dr. Sorour Semsari Parapari, dr. Matejka Podlogar, prof. dr. Jean-Marie Dubois and prof. dr. Sašo Šturm and an associate of the Department of Surface Engineering prof. dr. Janez Kovač published in a journal Crystals a study entitled: “Impact Of Tuned Oxidation on the Surface Energy of Sintered Samples Produced from Atomised B-Doped Al-Cu-Fe Quasicrystalline Powders”. In the article, we investigated the dynamics of the surface-energy changes on a boron-doped quasicrystalline AlCuFe material. The results of the study contribute to a broader insight into a quasicrystalline-material surface-energy controlled change under atmospheric conditions, as a result of the controlled oxide-layer growth. The results indicate the possibility of further optimization, i.e. engineering of quasicrystalline surfaces, which enables their applicative use in various composite systems strengthened by a quasicrystalline phase. The editors chose the article and graphical abstract for…
The Jean-Marie Dubois Prize will be awarded this year to Prof Dr. Michael Baake, a German mathematician and theoretical physicist working at the University of Bielefeld. The prize is named after our colleague from K7 and is administered by the State University of Iowa, USA, to “recognize important, sustained research on any aspect of quasicrystals within the 10 years preceding the award”. More details can be found at: https://www.icq15.sites.tau.ac.il/awards. The prize was established at Iowa State University by our late colleague, Professor Patricia A. Thiel, who pioneered research on the surface physics and chemistry of quasicrystals in close collaboration with JM Dubois. Together, they led an international laboratory between Ames Laboratories and the CNRS to promote the development of the applied physics of these new materials. Today, a similar binational initiative is active between the JSI and the CNRS, focusing on complex alloys, in line with a long-standing collaboration on…
Zdravljenje je vedno najbolj učinkovito, če se lahko bolezni lotimo kar najbolj neposredno, pri samem viru težav. A do vira pogosto sploh ni lahko priti. Denimo, če govorimo o okvarjenem genu, ki bi ga morda želeli utišati, da ne bi več povzročal težav. Področje tovrstnih genskih terapij daje v zadnjem času že zelo spodbudne rezultate in vanj so seveda usmerjeni številni raziskovalni napori. Prav tako zahtevno se je, po drugi strani, prebiti do bolj odmaknjenih tumorjev, ki se tako zlahka izmaknejo terapiji, za katero pa vemo, da ima celo paleto škodljivih stranskih učinkov. Naj gre torej za takšno ali drugačno zdravljenje, ključno vprašanje vsekakor je, kako spraviti pravo učinkovino na pravo mesto. Da bi bil ta transport učinkovin še povsem biorazgradljiv, dr. Nina Kostevšek z odseka za nanostrukturne materiale Instituta “Jožef Stefan” raziskuje možnosti uporabe membran rdečih krvnih celic. https://365.rtvslo.si/arhiv/podobe-znanja/174962029
Prostorsko-svetlobno instalacijo sestavlja niz kinetičnih objektov, ki so nastali na podlagi fizikalnih vizualizacij magnetnih skirmionov, toplotnih kvazidelcev v obliki vrtincev v strukturi magnetnih materialov, ki lahko prenašajo informacije in imajo specifični tehnični potencial v razvoju napredne svetlobne in ekološko odgovorne tehnologije. Kinetični objekti variirajo v obliki, saj ne poskušajo objektivno razlagati in posnemati znanstvenih vizualizacij, ampak interpretirajo različne tipe modelizacij (strukture, diagrame, sheme, tridimenzionalne ponazoritve gibanja delcev ali magnetnih silnic). Formalni rezultat te umetniške interpretacije je prej fantazmagoričen kot verističen in ta vidik je poudarjen z dodatnimi učinki kinetičnega vrtenja, svetlobnimi in video projekcijami, ki skupaj ustvarjajo fiktivno prostorsko krajino v gibanju. Kinetična svetlobno-prostorska instalacija deluje kot zaznavni (optični in telesni) eksperiment in z izzivanjem ustaljenih percepcijskih navad širi kognitivno izkušnjo gledalca. Projekt stremi k prepletanju estetske izkušnje s širšimi vprašanji o materialnem ustroju našega vesolja na subatomski ravni, sprašuje o subjektivnih načinih razumevanja in doživljanja narave fizikalne stvarnosti na eni strani…
Ljubljana, 22. maja – Saša Novak je znanstvenica s področja naprednih materialov in komunikatorica znanosti. Že desetletje si prizadeva znanost približati medijem in javnosti v okviru projekta Znanost na cesti, ki danes praznuje deseto obletnico. Za STA je spregovorila o začetkih projekta, preteklih in trenutnih izzivih in o stanju komuniciranja znanosti v Sloveniji. Saša Novak je pred natanko desetimi leti skupaj s sodelavko na Institutu Jožef Stefan (IJS) Kristino Žagar Soderžnik ustanovila projekt Znanost na cesti, s katerim so znanost ponesli med ljudi. Na današnji dan pred desetimi leti je namreč potekalo prvo predavanje v okviru projekta, ki ga je izvedel Luka Snoj z Instituta Jožef Stefan. V okviru projekta so doslej pripravili že preko 220 poljudnoznanstvenih predavanj, okroglih miz in znanstvenih slamov, pa tudi podcastov, blogov in natečajev. Za svoje delo na področju komuniciranja znanosti je Saša Novak letos prejela tudi prestižni naziv komunikatorica znanosti 2022. Več na http://znanost.sta.si/3173131/komunikatorica-znanosti-sasa-novak-znanost-smo-zeleli-pripeljati-iz-slonokoscenih-stolpov-med-ljudi…
JSI meeting on catalysts synthesis, characterization and applications – 25.05.2023 The scope is to organize a workshop where we would like to connect knowledge from various research areas at JSI with the goal of combining efforts in related/complementary fields. Talks are invited and will cover: – different methods for catalysts synthesis such as, but not limited, wet chemistry, anodic oxidation, electro deposition, magnetron sputtering, etc. – characterization techniques to evaluate morphology, composition, crystal structure, including various physicochemical properties as, but not limited, UV-VIS, XPS, SEM, TEM, XRD, Raman, EPR, etc. – catalyst in the working environment as performance measurements or modeling under different catalytic conditions for applications in various fields including, but not limited, to organic pollutant and microplastic removal, water splitting, CO2 reduction, etc. The aim of this workshop is to synchronize activities towards large European or/and national research project. Organizers: Belisa Alcantara Marinho, Matejka Podlogar, Sašo Šturm –…
🥇 Congratulations to Nina Kostevsek from the Jozef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenija) on winning the best talk award for the presentation “Magneto-Erythrocyte Membrane Vesicles as T2 MRI Contrast Agents” of the session “Nanotechnology for Imaging, Sensing and Diagnostics” at the BioNanoMed2023 conference! NanoMedicine-Austria chair Sebastian Schwaminger (Medical University of Graz) and coordinator Susanne Resch (BNN) were pleased to hand over the Best Talk Award 2023 to the winner! Thanks to all excellent speakers and contributors, we enjoyed a highly interesting conference in Graz and are already looking forward to the next edition of the BioNanoMed conference.
CALL_FOR_PAPERS_midem 2023 http://www.midem-drustvo.si/conf2023/
Doc. dr. Kristina Žagar Soderžnik, znanstvena sodelavka na Odseku za nanostrukturne materiale na IJS je v marcu 2023 nastopila funkcijo predsednice Komisije za enake možnosti na področju znanosti v mandatnem obdobju 2023–2026. Komisija je strokovno telo Ministrstva za visoko šolstvo, znanost in inovacije s pomembno nalogo odpravljanja vseh oblik neenakosti v znanosti in podpiranja uravnotežene zastopanosti vseh ne glede na spol in druge osebne okoliščine. Doc. dr. Kristina Žagar Soderžnik, ki aktivno sodeluje tudi v projektu Znanost na cesti, izpostavlja pomembnost vključujoče in enakopravne znanosti: »Kot raziskovalka mlajše generacije sem seznanjena s problematiko mladih v znanosti, žensk, kot tudi moških ter mladih staršev. Iz lastnih izkušenj in izobraževanj na domačih in tujih univerzah se zavedam, kako pomemben je dialog in vzpostavljanje novih norm na področju znanosti za mlade in znanstvenice ter znanstvenike na začetku raziskovalnih poti. Kot vodja raziskovalne skupine sem seznanjena z mnogo ovirami in pastmi, ki doletijo ne le domače, kot…
Microscopy_postdoc_02_Kobe PhD Student/Postdoc in Material Science and Engineering Department for Nanostructured Materials at Jožef Stefan Institute (http://nano.ijs.si/) Job summary Applications are invited for a PhD position or a Postdoctoral Associate position to be involved in the European project on fast prototyping of rotors for brushless DC motors and actuators using 3D printing in a magnetic field which enables anisotropic alignment of hard magnetic material. Job listing information Date posted 31 January 2023 Closing date 28 February 2023 Key information about the role Location: Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia Department for Nanostructured Materials Category: Researcher For additional information please contact Prof. Dr. Spomenka Kobe, E-mail: spomenka.kobe@ijs.si
pdf. On Wednesday, 18.01.2023 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the seminar which will be held in Kolar’s lecture room. Modification of Structure and Photoactivity of TiO2 Nanotubes Dr. Jelena Vujančević, Jožef Stefan Institute
pdf. On Friday, 16.12.2022 at 10:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the seminar which will be held in Kolar’s lecture room. The Hydrogen Ductilisation Process (HyDP) Dr. Fabian Burkhardt, School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
pdf. On Wednesday, 07.12.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the seminar which will be held in Kolar’s lecture room. On Colorimetric Gas Sensors for Environmental and Safety ApplicationsDr. Cristian Fàbrega, Dept. of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering University of Barcelona
pdf. On Thursday, 24.11.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the seminar which will be held in Kolar’s lecture room. Green recycling route for Sm-Co permanent magnet swarf Dr. Sina Khoshsima, Jožef Stafan Institute
pdf. On Thursday, 27.10.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the seminar which will be held in Kolar’s lecture room. The finite-element method in physics and materials science Asst. Prof. Matej Andrej Komelj, Jožef Stafan Institute
PASSENGER proposes improved strontium ferrite (Sr-ferrite) and a Manganese-Aluminum-Carbon (MnAlC) alloy as a substitute to guarantee a sustainable production of permanent magnets in Europe: an alternative without critical raw elements, based on resources that are widely available in Europe, with enough research to provide a solid base for a successful transition from the lab to the industrial production in our Pilot Plants. The project mission is to contribute to a green, sustainable Europe by developing an alternative to raw materials in the construction of permanent magnets and testing their performance in the electromobility sector. The project started in 2021 and will be finished in 2025. Currently the project is in the phase of fabrication if innovative materials for permanent magnets. Web page: https://passenger-project.eu/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRIgM5DsbO8&t=12s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weKSV5kBQ3g Disclaimer This project has received funding from the EU research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101003914
https://nano.ijs.si/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/1st_WORKSHOP_AGENDA.pdf V okviru evropskega projekta KIC EIT RawMaterials RECO2MAG organiziramo delavnico “Green deal and circular economy challenges of rare earth-based permanent magnets (PMs) with technical aspects“, ki je namenjena podiplomskim in doktorskim študentom, učiteljem ter raziskovalcem in zaposlenim v industriji. Izvedena bo online v ponedeljek, 12. decembra 2022. Delavnica je brezplačna, potekala bo v angleškem jeziku, zainteresirani študenti pa se lahko prijavijo tudi na daljšo različico z domačimi nalogami, kjer bodo pridobili 1 ECTS točko. Prijavni vprašalnik je na tej povezavi. https://reco2mag.rgf.bg.ac.rs/
Dr. Sorour Semsari Parapari gave an oral presentation at the 2nd ELMINA conference (Electron Microscopy of Nanostructures) in Belgrade, entitled “Heterogeneous Electrochemical Dissolution of Gold Nanoparticles Observed via In-situ Liquid TEM”. Her talk was chosen as the 2nd best oral presentation. The scope of ELMINA 2022 was focused on electron microscopy methods applied to nanoscience and nanotechnology (physics, chemistry, physical metallurgy, materials science, earth and life sciences). Congratulations to our colleague!
https://nano.ijs.si/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Podelitev-castnega-priznanja-Univerze-Pannonia-v-Veszpremu_obvestilo-o-nagradi.pdf Following a 20-year collaboration in the field of electron microscopy and mineralogy with the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Pannonia in Veszprém, Hungary, our colleague, Prof. Dr. Aleksander Rečnik, scientific advisor from the Department of Nanostructured Materials of Jožef Stefan Institute, received the honorary »Pannonia Award«. The recognition was awarded to our colleague by the Academic Senate of the University of Pannonia and honors outstanding personalities who substantially contributed to the development of new research areas and long–standing collaboration with their university. The prize was awarded at the Degree Awarding Ceremony of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Pannonia, on July 7, 2022 at 11 a.m. Congratulations to our colleague!
pdf. On Thursday, 21.04.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. Structural analysis of basal-plane inversion boundaries in Sn4+ and Sb5+ doped zinc oxide Vesna Ribic https://zoom.us/j/8369743221?pwd=dFYzV0lYVVN6b3FCdThzRzBWSDZPQT09 Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar
pdf. On Thursday, 31.03.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. It’s a seminar II, and Dr. Sašo Sturm, as her mentor, will introduce the presenter. Composite materials for improving gear drive performance and low sticking surfaces Monika Kušter, Jožef Stafan Institute https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82494545659?pwd=N2hiWVgwUnkvc1JTWElId3ZWWkRWZz09 Meeting ID: 824 9454 5659 Passcode: 579068
pdf. On Thursday, 10.03.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. Additive manufacturing at K7Ipeknaz ÖZDEN & Benjamin PODMILJŠAK, Jožef Stefan Institute https://zoom.us/j/8369743221?pwd=dFYzV0lYVVN6b3FCdThzRzBWSDZPQT09 Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar
pdf. On Thursday, 03.03.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. Development and characterization of highly filled filaments for fused filament fabrication of ceramics Aljaž Iveković, Jožef Stefan Institute https://zoom.us/j/8369743221?pwd=dFYzV0lYVVN6b3FCdThzRzBWSDZPQT09 Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar
On Thursday, 17.2.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. Microstructure and mechanical properties of W-based composites aged at temperatures above 1000 °C Petra Jenuš, Jožef Stefan Institute pdf. https://zoom.us/j/8369743221?pwd=dFYzV0lYVVN6b3FCdThzRzBWSDZPQT09 Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar
On Thursday, 27.01.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. Industrial development of magnetic components Dr. Boris Saje, Kolektor Group d.o.o., Idrija, Slovenia pdf. https://zoom.us/j/8369743221?pwd=dFYzV0lYVVN6b3FCdThzRzBWSDZPQT09 Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar
Sodelavci odseka (Miran Čeh, Saša Novak in Petra Jenuš) so združili moči s sodelavci iz Cemm, Odsekom za fiziko nizkih in srednjih energij, Odsekom za plinsko elektroniko iz IJS ter kolegi iz Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung v raziskavi o nastanku helijevih mehurčkov v volframovih kompozitih. Študija z naslovom “Non-uniform He bubble formation in W/W2C composite: Experimental and ab-initio study” je bila nedavno objavljena v prestižni znanstveni reviji na področju raziskav materialov, Acta Materialia. Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359645421009861
On Thursday, 23.12.2021 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. Semiconductors for Photocatalysis Assoc. Prof. Aleš Omerzu, University of Rijeka [pdf] https://zoom.us/j/8369743221?pwd=dFYzV0lYVVN6b3FCdThzRzBWSDZPQT09 Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar
We are exploring complex ternary systems in collaboration with the joint laboratory Push-Pull Alloys (PACS2, CNRS) in Nancy, France. This research focused on the crystal structure and electronic properties of the ternary phase in the very unexplored ternary system Al-Cr-Sc and how to incorporate these alloys into everyday life. crystals-11-01535_članek_Kušter_2021_dec
Seminar_Abram_16.12.2021 https://zoom.us/j/8369743221?pwd=dFYzV0lYVVN6b3FCdThzRzBWSDZPQT09 Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar
Seminar_Hudelja_2.12.2021Seminar_Hudelja_2.12.2021 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87873318567?pwd=aXhJT0kwTE5JZWFvbGwxYk1aQUQ0QT09
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81135901509?pwd=Zk9WTEk5OG1ST2I2dC81NGxmUnllUT09 Seminar_Korent_24.11.2021
Seminar_Alcantara Marinho_25.11.2021 https://zoom.us/j/8369743221?pwd=dFYzV0lYVVN6b3FCdThzRzBWSDZPQT09
Prihaja slovenska inovacija, ki napoveduje desetkrat hitrejšo pot do uporabe novih materialov
http://www.arcahr.com/index.php?langId=1 Dr. Xuan Xu, Prof. Sašo Šturm and Prof. Kristina Žužek Rožman, were awarded with a silver medal for the innovation on the International exhibition ARCA in Zagreb Croatia. The innovation: »Enviromentally friendly and energy effecient method for recovery of rare earth elements«, contributes to a more sustainable and greener EU future with regards to recycling of critical raw materials i.e the rare earths from permanent magnets. The developed method (in the frame of MSCA DEMETER project) is based on electrochemical aspects and is environmentally friendly and energy efficient. The innovation was presented in collaboration with the Technology transfer office from Jožef Stefan Institute. Opis dosezka_srebrna medalja sejem ARCA_zuzek_okt 2021_plaketa
PostDoc_SENSE-PMC IJS K7_Žagar_2021
Prof. Dr. Slavko Bernik and Doc. Dr. Matejka Podlogar, in collaboration with researchers from the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science, published an article in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF 9.229) in which they report on a novel type of sustainable ZnO-based varistor ceramic that is based on Cr2O3 as varistor former and oxides of Ca, Co and Sb as the performance enhancers. The varistor ceramics ZnO-Cr2O3 are distinguished by an ultrahigh coefficient of nonlinearity a, a wide range of breakdown voltage EB and a very low leakage current IL. Compared to previously known ZnO-based varistor ceramics, the novel ceramics do not contain highly volatile Bi2O3, expensive rare earth elements (Pr6O11) or toxic V2O5, and the microstructure is practically single-phase. The formation mechanism of electrostatic Schottky barriers at the grain boundaries of ZnO with the addition of Cr2O3, which are the reason for the varistor…
PhD position-liquid TEM_IJS2021
razpis_novo delovno mesto_postavitev laboratorija_2021
The Jožef Stefan Institute is opening its doors on the 27th of March, this year online. You are invited to enter the world of nanomaterials starting with an English presentation at 11 am. The program schedule can be found at the link: DAN ODPRTIH VRAT 2021 NA INSTITUTU “JOŽEF STEFAN” – LETOS NA DALJAVO | Center za prenos tehnologij in inovacij na Institutu “Jožef Stefan” (ijs.si) You can find and visit our department under the title: Higgs boson to the greatest challenges of modern society. Here you will get to know research from three different sections (F9-Experimental Particle Physics Department, K7-Department for Nanostructured Materials, B1-Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology). A link to the login: Prijava za Dan odprtih vrat 27. 3. 2021 na Institutu “Jožef Stefan” (google.com) Kindly invited.
Slovenska znanstvena fundacija (SZF), in collaboration with the World Federation of Scientists (WFS), granted ten national scholarships to Slovene doctoral students and young doctors conducting research related to Planetary Emergencies. The World Laboratory program brings together young creative people responding to the challenges of the modern world. One of the scholarship recipients is Dr. Tomaž Tomše. Under the supervision of Professor Sašo Šturm, Tomaž will develop a new approach towards the manufacture of advanced multicomponent Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets for electromotors and generators. Congratulations!
Do strateških surovin z recikliranjem magnetov
Interview with prof. dr. Saso Sturm; With nanomaterials to cheap energy sources, efficient electric motors, drug delivery systems Source: https://www.delo.si/
Interviews of Prof. Dr. Spomenka Kobe and Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie Dubois during the annual meeting »2019 Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit and Exhibition”, the world’s biggest sustainability conference. Prof Dr. Kobe was one of the awardees. https://youtu.be/FWvioYNszMs https://youtu.be/g9xHuiYvQi8
New publication: Triggering the Aqueous Interparticle Association of γ‒Al2O3 Hierarchical Assemblies Using Divalent Cations and Cellulose Nanofibers. We successfully prepared stable aqueous suspensions, containing hierarchically assembled, mesoporous γ‒Al2O3 particles with high surface area. Addition of divalent cations such as Mg2+ or Ca2+ or cellulose nanofibers triggered a formation of various interparticle associations, which hindered or even prevented sedimentation. Preparation of such suspensions is especially important for preparation of advanced, porous ceramic materials relevant in catalysis and adsorption. The work was published in the leading scientific publication dealing with ceramic materials Journal of the European Ceramic Society.
Andraž Kocjan was involved in an interdisciplinary research directed by Sašo Gyergyek and Darko Makovec from the Department for Materials Synthesis and from the Department of Nanostructured Materials in a collaboration with researchers from the Department of Catalysis and Reaction Engineering of the National Institute of Chemistry. The work was published in the renowned scientific journal Green Chemistry, entitled Hierarchical Ru-bearing Alumina/Magnetic Iron-Oxide Composite for the Magnetically Heated Hydrogenation of Furfural. The paper demonstrates application of magnetic heating of nanoparticles in AC-field to drive chemical reaction. The authors showed that conversion of furfural to furfuryl alcohol over the catalyst in the same time interval reached 95% when “targeted” heating by AC magnetic field was used, but only 63% when conventional heating was applied. They were the first to show that a well-designed hierarchical composite (UK patent) can simultaneously serve as a catalyst and heat source to drive a technologically important…
Prof. dr. Sašo Šturm, Head of Department for Nanostructured Materials, was elected as a member in Executive Board of European Microscopy Society (EMS). The EMS is an umbrella organization that brings together all national microscopy societies. Prof. dr. Sašo Šturm was proposed by the Slovene Society for Microscopy (SDM) Executive Board and thus the Slovenian representative in the EMS Executive Board was elected for the first time.
“Evropska komisija je v začetku leta predstavila zaleni dogovor- krovni dokument prehoda na trajnostno in pametno mobilnost. Pri tem bosta ključni elektrifikacija prometnega sistema in zelena energija, ki sta že deležni velikih vlaganj in raziskav na svetovni ravni, pomembno vlogo na tem področju pa imajo trajni magneti. Ti so ključni pri delovanju električnih motorjev z velikim izkoristkom v e-vozilih in vetrnih elektrarnah. Narejeni so na osnovi kovin redkih zemelj, ki so na seznamu najbolj kritičnih surovin, Evropa pa jih mora skoraj v celoti uvažati. Sodelavci Odseka za nanostrukturne materiale na IJS dr. Kristina Žužek Rožman, dr. Benjamin Podmiljšak, dr. Spomenka Kobe, dr. Tomaž Tomše in dr. Sašo Šturm si prizadevajo za celostno obravnavo kritičnih elementov tako z vidika nizke odpadkovne tolerance kot vzporedne neodvisnosti posameznih držav glede njihovega zagotavljanja”. (Delo, julij 2020) zemlje_Žužek Rožman_julij 2020
mesto MR 2020_Podlogar_IJS ang
mesto za mladega raziskovalca 2020_NKostevsek_IJS-eng
The EU-funded AMPHIBIAN project, in which a partner was also Department for Nanostructured Materials JSI, successfully developed a patented flywheel – a mechanical device designed to efficiently store energy – as well as permanent magnetic material produced without rare-earth minerals.
Editorial Board from a prominent journal Green Chemistry and has selected a paper by XU, Xuan, ŠTURM, Sašo, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, ŠČANČAR, Janez, MARKOVIĆ, Katarina, ŽUŽEK ROŽMAN, Kristina, all from Jozef Stefan Institute entitled »A facile method for the simultaneous recovery of the rare-earth elements and transition metals from Nd-Fe-B magnets, DOI: 10.1039/C9GC03325D« as a 2020 HOT Green Chemistry article. The collection is assessable here. The paper is a result of ITN-MSCA project DEMETER, Training Network for the Design and Recycling of Rare‐Earth Permanent Magnet Motors and Generators and Full Hybrid and Electric Vehicles [2015-2019] for which funding is gratefully acknowledged. The paper by, Xuan Xu proposes new findings and concepts about recycling of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets, which are considered as the most valuable secondary recourse for rare – earths, that represent a novelty in the field of recourse efficiency and critical raw materials conservations. The paper has set new directions in the…
After receiving the Krka Prize in 2019, for the study entitled “Coloidal silver in dental products”, students Laura Drasler and Ula Dragman, from the Vič High School, under the mentorship of prof. Alenke Mozer (Gim. Vič) and Anje Korent (IJS, K7), submitted the research paper for the GENIUS Olympiad 2020 competition. The submitted research paper has made it to the finals of the GENIUS Olympiad 2020. The research focuses on the study of the colloidal silver concentration in dental products such as toothpaste, mouthwash and toothbrush. Commercial products with silver content were purchased and studied by students on K7, IJS laboratories. https://geniusolympiad.org/index.html
Research article: A spark-plasma-sintering approach to the manufacture of anisotropic Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets. The research article addresses issues associated with the production of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets. The shape of the magnet is limited to simple geometrical forms when the conventional sintering techniques are applied. This approach limits the desing freedom of electrical motors and generators and hinders the development of advanced energy-conversion technologies. The authors proposed a contemporary sintering technique, based on fast consolidation of a powder compact by means of electrical current, as an alternative solution for the manufacture of complex-shaped magnets. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304885319335887
https://ijs.si/ijsw fotograf: Matic Kremžar
Liquid-Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy (LCTEM) is a method for studying the nucleation and growth of nanostructures either from solutions or during the electrodeposition, at the nanoscale and in real time. In the joint study between the researchers at the Department for Nanostructured Materials at Jožef Stefan Institute and National Institute of Chemistry we have shown that the radical-induced redox chemistry can be used to investigate various redox-driven dynamics for a wide range of functional nanomaterials, in situ, and under dynamic conditions by applying LCTEM. We successfully modelled radical-induced redox chemistry processes in LCTEM, including the complex kinetics of the radiolysis species and their influence on the redox chemistry of the materials under investigation. The results of this study were published in a highly ranked journal Chemical Science (IF = 9,5).
A facile method for the simultaneous recovery of rare-earth elements and transition metals from Nd–Fe–B magnets
Dr. Kristina Žagar Soderžnik, from the Department of Nanostructured Materials, appeared in the science-educational-documentary movie, Fire of Science (Ogenj znanosti). In the movie, in addition to prof. dr. Jadran Lenarčič, Director of the JSI and prof. dr. Igor Muševič, Head of the Department of Solid State Physics, answers questions about why society needs science, what is its significance and whether science is a privilege. The science-education movie was made as part of the 70th anniversary of the Jozef Stefan Institute. https://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/dokumentarni-filmi-in-oddaje-izobrazevalni-program/174661968
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces Ceh IF 8+
Abstract_form Kostka
Abstract_form Lee
Prof. Dr. Spomenka Kobe is the recipient of the prestigious »Fray Award for Leadership in development new technologies that contribute to global sustainable development in the environment, economy, and social points of view.” The summit honored the 2019 STARS of sustainable science, technology, and innovation and was divided into ten parallel Symposia devoted to the awardees. One of them was the “Kobe International Symposium on Science of Innovative and Sustainable Alloys and Magnets (SISAM),” where the world-leading scientists from the field of magnets and complex alloys presented the latest achievements in the field. Fray Award is granted to scientists, economists, and politicians. So far, the only awarded Slovene was a commissioner for science and later for environment Dr. Janez Potočnik. https://www.ijs.si/ijsw/IJS
Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit (SIPS 2019) took place in Cyprus from 23th to 26th of October 2019. Dr. Nina Kostevšek from the Department of nanostructured materials was awarded the Wüthrich International Young Star Award for the outstanding performances during the early career stages. This award has been established in honour of the distinguished work and lifetime achievements of 2002 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Prof. Kurt Wüthrich, who is known for developing the NMR method for studying macrobiological molecules. Dr. Nina Kostevšek presented work on the development of new nanoparticle-based contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging.
24 Oct: Second place at Young researchers competition; 27 ICM&T, Portorož, Slovenia (16.-18.10.2019)
27th International Conference on Materials and Technology (27 ICM&T) took place in Portorož from 16th to 18th October 2019. In scope of the conference Young researchers competition was organized. The international committee awarded Hermina Hudelja from K7 with excellent second place for the talk entiteled: “Feather-light, cellulose-nanofiber-reinforced γ˗Al2O3 foams”.
Research article: Multicomponent permanent magnets for enhanced electrical device efficiency. We presented an innovative approach for improving the efficiency of permanent magnets which consequently improve the efficieny of electro-mechanical devices, such as electric motors and wind turbines. The research is based on results of simulations that predicted the benefits of using magnets containing regions with different magnetic properties. The proposed approach allows us to minimize the use of expensive and critical heavy-rare-earth elements dysprosium and terbium. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304885319308170
On September 16, 2019, the fourth Scientific Slam took place at the ZRC Atrium. This year’s slam was held as part of the Cutting Edge 2019 conference. In my 5 minute presentation, I presented the fusion and fusion relevant materials, that we are developing at JSI. Znanstveni slam 2019 – Cutting Edge
How to make zirconia based composites electroconductive and thus suitable for Electrical Discharge Machining? You can read about it now in an open access scientific journal Materials. Our coworkers Ana Lazar, Tomaž Kosmač, Janez Zavašnik, Anže Abram and Andraž Kocjan reported on advanced fabrication route of zirconia based nanocomposites resulted in enhanced mechanical and electrical properties enabling cost efficient machining at low contents of reinforcing phase. https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/12/17/2789/htm
We removed them by WC nanoparticles used as a deoxidation agent. Supported by @EUROfusion @ARRS @DAAD https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311519304532
At the 6th European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes which was held during 26th and 30th June 2019 in Portorož-Portorose, Živa Marinko successfully presented poster with the title – Connecting Metal Titanium Surface Properties and TiO2 Nanotube Photocatalytic Activity: Top-Down Approach and was therefore given a diploma for the 3rd place at the Student Paper Contest and awarded an Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology Poster Prize.
Push-Pull AlloyS and Complex Compounds: From bulk properties to surface functions