Prof. Sašo Šturm Head of the department, Senior scientist
Field of research:
- Material processing:
- Solid state synthesis of functional ceramics
- Hydrothermal synthesis of nanomaterials
- Advanced TEM characterization and method developments:
- Structural and chemical characterization of materials and correlation to properties at high spatial resolution
- Quantitative atomic-scale studies of crystal structure, chemistry and bonding of interfaces and nanostructures
- Quantitative atomic resolution HRTEM and HAADF/ABF/BF STEM image analysis
- Quantitative EELS analysis
- In situ transmission electron microscopy:
- In situ heating and cooling TEM experiments
- In situ studies of structural phase transitions
Dr. Anže Abram Scientist
Field of research:
- Hydrothermal synthesis of TiO2 coatings
- Photocatalysis
- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
- Transmision electron microscopy (TEM)
- Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
Dr. Belisa Alcantara Marinho Scientist
Field of research:
- Photocatalysis
- Photoelectrocatalysis
- Photocatalytic reactors
- Supported photocatalysts
- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
Dr. Maja Antanasova Scientist
Field of research:
- Dental materials
- Prosthodontics
- Metal-ceramic bond
- Additive manufacturing
Dr. Muhammad Shahid Arshad Scientist
- Electrochemical Magnetic Nanostructures: This research focuses on the magnetization and magnetic reversal properties of nanowires and nanotubes based on Fe-Pd and Co-Pt systems.
- Au/TiO2 Photocatalyst Nanowires: This work investigates Au/TiO2 multisegmented nanowires for their potential use in photocatalysis.
- Tribology: DLC Coatings & Ionic Liquids: This research examines the interaction between diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings and novel ionic liquid lubricants.
- 3D Printed Permanent Magnets: The focus of this research is on developing 3D printing techniques for creating permanent magnets for rapid prototyping.
Prof. Slavko Bernik Senior scientist, scientific advisor
Field of research:

- High-temperature reactions
- Phase equilibria
- Microstructure development,
- Zinc Oxide ceramics
- Varistors
- Oxide thermoelectrics
- Scanning electron microscopy – SEM
- Electron microprobe analysis-WDS
- Qualitative, quantitative analysis
- Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanostructures and nanopowders
Nikhil Bhootpur, M.Sc. Ph.D. student
Field of research:
- Additive manufacturing
- Radiation-assisted Rapid sintering
- Ceramic Multimaterials
Nana Brguljan, M.Sc. Ph.D. student
Dr. Fabian Burkhardt Scientist
- Hard magnetic materials
- Radiation Assisted Sintering
- Magnetic Measurements
- Optical and electron microscopy
- Hydrogen processing of NdFeB Magnets and Rare Earths
Prof. Miran Čeh Head of the Centre for Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis, senior scientist, scientific advisor
Field of research:
- Functional ceramics with perovskite structure, thermoelectrics
- 1-D oxide nanostructures
- Solar cells
- Photocatalytic (micro)reactors
- Electron microscopy (SEM, EPMA, STEM/TEM, AEM, HR HAADF-STEM)
Sabina Cintauer, M.Sc. Departmental office
Giulia Della Pelle, M.Sc. Ph.D. student
Field of research:
- Theranostic formulations
- Photothermal therapy
- Biomimetic nanostructures
Dr. Nataša Drnovšek Scientist
Lara Einfalt, M.Sc. Ph.D. student
- Degradation of organic pollutants in (waste) water
- Photocatalysis, photoelectrocatalysis
- High-entropy alloys
Darko Eterović Senior technician
Field of research:
- Dry and wet materials processing
- Metallographic sample preparation
- Dilatometry
- Porosimetry
- Materials mechanical properties evaluation
Sanja Fidler, B.Sc. Financial & Project Manager
Field of interests:
- Projects & Finances
Nik Gračanin, B.Sc. Expert Associate
Field of research:
- Mineralogy and crystallography of geological systems and ceramic materials
- Analysis with line electron microscopy (SEM), sample preparation with SEM / FIB
Tomaž Ivančič, B.Sc. Expert Associate
Dr. Aljaž Iveković Scientist
Dr. Petra Jenuš Belec Scientist
Field of research:

- Exchange-coupled two-phase magnetic materials (preparation and characterization)
- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
- Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
- Spark plasma sintering (SPS)
- Promotion of science
Diana Knyzhnykova, M.Sc. Ph.D. student
Field of research:
- Fusion materials
- Metal matrix composites
- Additive manufacturing
- Liquid metal infiltration
Assoc. Prof. Andraž Kocjan Programme group leader, CTO, Senior scientist
Asst. Prof. Matej Komelj Scientist
Field of research:
- Ab-initio electronic structure calculations, based on the density functional theory, focused on magnetic properties of solids, namely hyperfine parameters, nonlinear magnetoelastic effects, X-ray magnetic dichroism (XMCD) spectra…
Klara Laura Konda, M.Sc. Ph.D. student
Field of research:
- Crystal growth from solution (ZnO, TiO2)
- Photocatalytic degradation of microplastics
Asst. Prof. Nina Kostevšek Scientist
Field of research:
- Electrochemical study and deposition of magnetic thin films, nanowires and nanotubes based on Fe-Pd and Co-Pt system
- Multifunctional nanomaterials based on magnetic (FePt, Fe3O4) and optically active components (Au) for bioapplications such as magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic hyperthermia, photo-thermal and sensing
- Formation of »smart nanocarriers« made of SiO2, biopolymers (chitosan, gelatine, etc.) and thermo-responsive liposomes
Lindrit Krasniqi , M.Sc. Expert Associate
Abhilash Krishnamurthy Ph.D. student
Field of research:
- Electrochemical sensors
- Electrocatalytic materials for organic redox mechanisms
- Design and Evaluation of Electronic Circuits
Kaja Križman, B.Sc. Expert Associate
Master of pharmacy
Field of interests:
- Biomaterials
- Drug delivery and tissue engineering
- Bioglass and bioceramic materials
- Aseptic technique
Barbara Ljubec Božiček, M.Sc. Ph.D. student
Field of research:
- Photo (electro) catalytic degradation of organic pollutants in (waste) water
Dr. Amit Mishra Scientist
Field of research:
- Material Synthesis
- Nd-Fe-B magnets
- Processing of magnets
Prof. Saša Novak Krmpotič Senior scientist, scientific advisor
Field of research:

- Biomaterials
- Materials for fusion applications
- Composites
- Colloidal processing
- Electrophoretic deposition
- Nanotoxicology
- Promotion of science
Ipeknaz Özden , M.Sc. Ph.D. student
Field of research:
- Processing of ceramic materials
- Additive manufacturing
Dr. Matejka Podlogar Scientist
Dr. Benjamin Podmiljšak Scientist
Field of research:
- Hard magnetic materials
- Magnetocaloric materials
- Magnetic measurements
- Sample preparation
- Materials characterisation
Tina Radošević, B.Sc.
Field of research:
- Solid-state synthesis of ceramic materials
- Hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO and TiO2
- Photocatalysis
- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
- Sample preparation for transmission electron microscope (TEM)
Sergej Ražnjević, M.Sc.
- Advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques; HRTEM, (4D)STEM, EDS, EELS
- FIB sample preparation
- Magnetic materials
Mihaela Rebernik, M.Sc. Expert Associate
Field of research:
- Hard Magnetic Materials
- Melt-spun materials
- Spark plasma sintering (SPS)
Prof. Aleksander Rečnik Senior scientist
Field of research:
- Atomic-level studies of polytypic phase transitions, twinning, epitaxy, nucleation of planar faults; atomic structure & chemistry of twin boundaries, inversion boundaries, antiphase boundaries, low-angle tilt grain boundaries; special grain boundaries and their relation to exaggerated and anisotropic crystal growth; microstructure development.
Dr. Vesna Ribić Scientist
Field of research:
- Density functional theory calculations, focused on solving local structures of doped metal-oxide materials
- Microscopic and theoretical investigations of interfaces, planar and point defects at the atomic scale
Sana Saeed, M.Sc. Expert Associate
Dr. Boris Saje Senior scientist
Dr. Zoran Samardžija Senior scientist
Field of research:
- A specialist for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron-probe microanalysis (EDXS, WDXS)
Marija Šebjan Pušenjak Departmental administrative office
Dr. Sorour Semsari Parapari Scientist
Field of research:
- Advanced electron microscopy techniques: TEM, HRTEM, HAADF/ABF STEM image analysis, EDS and EELS analysis
- In-situ TEM: heating and electrochemical liquid state TEM
- Studying the chemistry-structure-property relationship in materials
- Electrochemical systems and lithium ion batteries
- Cement and cementitious materials
Sana Shaukat, M.Sc. Ph.D. student
Nejc Skoporc Technician
Neža Sodnik, M.Sc. Expert Associate
Layrton José Souza da Silva, M.Sc. Ph.D. student
Vinko Sršan, M.Sc. Ph.D. student
Field of research:
- Magnetic skyrmions
- Helimagnetism in non-centrosymmetric alloys
- (S)TEM imaging of magnetization textures
Katarina Tomić, M.Sc. Ph.D. student
Dr. Tomaž Tomše Scientist
Field of research:
- Hard magnetic materials
- Melt-spun materials
- Spark plasma sintering (SPS)
- Magnetic measurements
- Optical and electron microscopy
Aleksander Učakar, M.Sc. Ph.D. student
Field of research:
- Hard magnetic materials
- Hydrothermal synthesis
- Sintering by Intense Thermal Radiation (SITR)
- Magnetic measurements
Dr. Pandey Vaibhav Scientist
Dr. Kevin Varghese Alex Scientist
Anubhav Vishwakarma Ph.D. student
Field of research:
- Design of additive-manufactured magnets in the frame of classical electrodynamics by applying finite-elements method
- Magnetic harvester
Dr. Jelena Vujančević Scientist
Field of research:
- Electrochemical sensors for toxic organic substances in environment
Dr. Milan Vukšić Scientist
Field of research:
- Ceramic processing
- Additive manufacturing
- Heterogeneous Catalysis
Asst. Prof. Kristina Žagar Soderžnik Scientist
Prof. Kristina Žužek Senior scientist