2022 September

Electric car concept with windmills - 3d rendering

14 Sep: Delavnica »Green deal and circular economy challenges of rare earth-based permanent magnets (PMs) with technical aspects«, 12.12.2022

https://nano.ijs.si/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/1st_WORKSHOP_AGENDA.pdf V okviru evropskega projekta KIC EIT RawMaterials RECO2MAG organiziramo delavnico “Green deal and circular economy challenges of rare earth-based permanent magnets (PMs) with technical aspects“, ki je namenjena podiplomskim in doktorskim študentom, učiteljem ter raziskovalcem in zaposlenim v industriji. Izvedena bo online v ponedeljek, 12. decembra 2022. Delavnica je brezplačna, potekala bo v angleškem jeziku, zainteresirani študenti pa se lahko prijavijo tudi na daljšo različico z domačimi nalogami, kjer bodo pridobili 1 ECTS točko. Prijavni vprašalnik je na tej povezavi. https://reco2mag.rgf.bg.ac.rs/

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14 Sep: Dr. Sorour Semsari Parapari recipient of the prize for the 2nd best oral presentation at the international ELMINA 2022 conference in Belgrade, August 2022

Dr. Sorour Semsari Parapari gave an oral presentation at the 2nd ELMINA conference (Electron Microscopy of Nanostructures) in Belgrade, entitled “Heterogeneous Electrochemical Dissolution of Gold Nanoparticles Observed via In-situ Liquid TEM”. Her talk was chosen as the 2nd best oral presentation. The scope of ELMINA 2022 was focused on electron microscopy methods applied to nanoscience and nanotechnology (physics, chemistry, physical metallurgy, materials science, earth and life sciences). Congratulations to our colleague!