Prof. Dr. Slavko Bernik and Doc. Dr. Matejka Podlogar, in collaboration with researchers from the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science, published an article in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF 9.229) in which they report on a novel type of sustainable ZnO-based varistor ceramic that is based on Cr2O3 as varistor former and oxides of Ca, Co and Sb as the performance enhancers. The varistor ceramics ZnO-Cr2O3 are distinguished by an ultrahigh coefficient of nonlinearity a, a wide range of breakdown voltage EB and a very low leakage current IL. Compared to previously known ZnO-based varistor ceramics, the novel ceramics do not contain highly volatile Bi2O3, expensive rare earth elements (Pr6O11) or toxic V2O5, and the microstructure is practically single-phase. The formation mechanism of electrostatic Schottky barriers at the grain boundaries of ZnO with the addition of Cr2O3, which are the reason for the varistor…
PhD position-liquid TEM_IJS2021
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10 Jun: New position in STEM ptychography investigation of magnetic nanostructures- Young Researcher
mesto MR 2021_K7_Sturm