
Interview_Kobe_sep 2020

30 Sep: Interviews of Prof. Dr. Spomenka Kobe and Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie Dubois during the annual meeting »2019 Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit and Exhibition”

Interviews of Prof. Dr. Spomenka Kobe and Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie Dubois during the annual meeting »2019 Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit and Exhibition”, the world’s biggest sustainability conference. Prof Dr. Kobe was one of the awardees.

Za K7 fb stran_hudelja sep 2020

23 Sep: New publication: Triggering the Aqueous Interparticle Association of γ‒Al2O3 Hierarchical Assemblies Using Divalent Cations and Cellulose Nanofibers

New publication: Triggering the Aqueous Interparticle Association of γ‒Al2O3 Hierarchical Assemblies Using Divalent Cations and Cellulose Nanofibers. We successfully prepared stable aqueous suspensions, containing hierarchically assembled, mesoporous γ‒Al2O3 particles with high surface area. Addition of divalent cations such as Mg2+ or Ca2+ or cellulose nanofibers triggered a formation of various interparticle associations, which hindered or even prevented sedimentation. Preparation of such suspensions is especially important for preparation of advanced, porous ceramic materials relevant in catalysis and adsorption. The work was published in the leading scientific publication dealing with ceramic materials Journal of the European Ceramic Society.


04 Sep: NEW ARTICLE: Green Chemistry- Hierarchical Ru-bearing alumina/magnetic iron-oxide composite for the magnetically heated hydrogenation of furfural

Andraž Kocjan was involved in an interdisciplinary research directed by Sašo Gyergyek and Darko Makovec from the Department for Materials Synthesis and from the Department of Nanostructured Materials in a collaboration with researchers from the Department of Catalysis and Reaction Engineering of the National Institute of Chemistry. The work was published in the renowned scientific journal Green Chemistry, entitled Hierarchical Ru-bearing Alumina/Magnetic Iron-Oxide Composite for the Magnetically Heated Hydrogenation of Furfural. The paper demonstrates application of magnetic heating of nanoparticles in AC-field to drive chemical reaction. The authors showed that conversion of furfural to furfuryl alcohol over the catalyst in the same time interval reached 95% when “targeted” heating by AC magnetic field was used, but only 63% when conventional heating was applied. They were the first to show that a well-designed hierarchical composite (UK patent) can simultaneously serve as a catalyst and heat source to drive a technologically important…


27 Aug: Prof. dr. Sašo Šturm was elected as a member in Executive Board of European Microscopy Society (EMS)

Prof. dr. Sašo Šturm, Head of Department for Nanostructured Materials, was elected as a member in Executive Board of European Microscopy Society (EMS). The EMS is an umbrella organization that brings together all national microscopy societies. Prof. dr. Sašo Šturm was proposed by the Slovene Society for Microscopy (SDM) Executive Board and thus the Slovenian representative in the EMS Executive Board was elected for the first time.

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15 Jul: Članek; Redke zemlje so priložnost tudi za Slovenijo, Delo, Julij 2020

“Evropska komisija je v začetku leta predstavila zaleni dogovor- krovni dokument prehoda na trajnostno in pametno mobilnost. Pri tem bosta ključni elektrifikacija prometnega sistema in zelena energija, ki sta že deležni velikih vlaganj in raziskav na svetovni ravni, pomembno vlogo na tem področju pa imajo trajni magneti. Ti so ključni pri delovanju električnih motorjev z velikim izkoristkom v e-vozilih in vetrnih elektrarnah. Narejeni so na osnovi kovin redkih zemelj, ki so na seznamu najbolj kritičnih surovin, Evropa pa jih mora skoraj v celoti uvažati. Sodelavci Odseka za nanostrukturne materiale na IJS dr. Kristina Žužek Rožman, dr. Benjamin Podmiljšak, dr. Spomenka Kobe, dr. Tomaž Tomše in dr. Sašo Šturm si prizadevajo za celostno obravnavo kritičnih elementov tako z vidika nizke odpadkovne tolerance kot vzporedne neodvisnosti posameznih držav glede njihovega zagotavljanja”. (Delo, julij 2020) zemlje_Žužek Rožman_julij 2020


08 Apr: 2020 HOT Green Chemistry article- A facile method for the simultaneous recovery of the rare-earth elements and transition metals from Nd-Fe-B magnets

Editorial Board from a prominent journal Green Chemistry and has selected a paper by XU, Xuan, ŠTURM, Sašo, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, ŠČANČAR, Janez, MARKOVIĆ, Katarina, ŽUŽEK ROŽMAN, Kristina, all from Jozef Stefan Institute entitled »A facile method for the simultaneous recovery of the rare-earth elements and transition metals from Nd-Fe-B magnets, DOI: 10.1039/C9GC03325D« as a 2020 HOT Green Chemistry article. The collection is assessable here. The paper is a result of ITN-MSCA project DEMETER, Training Network for the Design and Recycling of Rare‐Earth Permanent Magnet Motors and Generators and Full Hybrid and Electric Vehicles [2015-2019] for which funding is gratefully acknowledged. The paper by, Xuan Xu proposes new findings and concepts about recycling of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets, which are considered as the most valuable secondary recourse for rare – earths, that represent a novelty in the field of recourse efficiency and critical raw materials conservations. The paper has set new directions in the…