pdf. On Wednesday, 18.01.2023 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the seminar which will be held in Kolar’s lecture room. Modification of Structure and Photoactivity of TiO2 Nanotubes Dr. Jelena Vujančević, Jožef Stefan Institute
pdf. On Friday, 16.12.2022 at 10:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the seminar which will be held in Kolar’s lecture room. The Hydrogen Ductilisation Process (HyDP) Dr. Fabian Burkhardt, School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
pdf. On Wednesday, 07.12.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the seminar which will be held in Kolar’s lecture room. On Colorimetric Gas Sensors for Environmental and Safety ApplicationsDr. Cristian Fàbrega, Dept. of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering University of Barcelona
pdf. On Thursday, 24.11.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the seminar which will be held in Kolar’s lecture room. Green recycling route for Sm-Co permanent magnet swarf Dr. Sina Khoshsima, Jožef Stafan Institute
pdf. On Thursday, 27.10.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the seminar which will be held in Kolar’s lecture room. The finite-element method in physics and materials science Asst. Prof. Matej Andrej Komelj, Jožef Stafan Institute
PASSENGER proposes improved strontium ferrite (Sr-ferrite) and a Manganese-Aluminum-Carbon (MnAlC) alloy as a substitute to guarantee a sustainable production of permanent magnets in Europe: an alternative without critical raw elements, based on resources that are widely available in Europe, with enough research to provide a solid base for a successful transition from the lab to the industrial production in our Pilot Plants. The project mission is to contribute to a green, sustainable Europe by developing an alternative to raw materials in the construction of permanent magnets and testing their performance in the electromobility sector. The project started in 2021 and will be finished in 2025. Currently the project is in the phase of fabrication if innovative materials for permanent magnets. Web page: https://passenger-project.eu/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRIgM5DsbO8&t=12s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weKSV5kBQ3g Disclaimer This project has received funding from the EU research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101003914
https://nano.ijs.si/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/1st_WORKSHOP_AGENDA.pdf V okviru evropskega projekta KIC EIT RawMaterials RECO2MAG organiziramo delavnico “Green deal and circular economy challenges of rare earth-based permanent magnets (PMs) with technical aspects“, ki je namenjena podiplomskim in doktorskim študentom, učiteljem ter raziskovalcem in zaposlenim v industriji. Izvedena bo online v ponedeljek, 12. decembra 2022. Delavnica je brezplačna, potekala bo v angleškem jeziku, zainteresirani študenti pa se lahko prijavijo tudi na daljšo različico z domačimi nalogami, kjer bodo pridobili 1 ECTS točko. Prijavni vprašalnik je na tej povezavi. https://reco2mag.rgf.bg.ac.rs/
Dr. Sorour Semsari Parapari gave an oral presentation at the 2nd ELMINA conference (Electron Microscopy of Nanostructures) in Belgrade, entitled “Heterogeneous Electrochemical Dissolution of Gold Nanoparticles Observed via In-situ Liquid TEM”. Her talk was chosen as the 2nd best oral presentation. The scope of ELMINA 2022 was focused on electron microscopy methods applied to nanoscience and nanotechnology (physics, chemistry, physical metallurgy, materials science, earth and life sciences). Congratulations to our colleague!
https://nano.ijs.si/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Podelitev-castnega-priznanja-Univerze-Pannonia-v-Veszpremu_obvestilo-o-nagradi.pdf Following a 20-year collaboration in the field of electron microscopy and mineralogy with the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Pannonia in Veszprém, Hungary, our colleague, Prof. Dr. Aleksander Rečnik, scientific advisor from the Department of Nanostructured Materials of Jožef Stefan Institute, received the honorary »Pannonia Award«. The recognition was awarded to our colleague by the Academic Senate of the University of Pannonia and honors outstanding personalities who substantially contributed to the development of new research areas and long–standing collaboration with their university. The prize was awarded at the Degree Awarding Ceremony of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Pannonia, on July 7, 2022 at 11 a.m. Congratulations to our colleague!