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20 Apr: K7 VIRTUAL SEMINAR: Dr. Vesna Ribić, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana: Structural analysis of basal-plane inversion boundaries in Sn4+ and Sb5+ doped zinc oxide; 21.04.2022 at 13:00

pdf. On Thursday, 21.04.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. Structural analysis of basal-plane inversion boundaries in Sn4+ and Sb5+ doped zinc oxide Vesna Ribic Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar

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28 Mar: K7 VIRTUAL SEMINAR: Monika Kušter, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana: Composite materials for improving gear drive performance and low sticking surfaces; 31.03.2022 at 13:00

pdf. On Thursday, 31.03.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. It’s a seminar II, and Dr. Sašo Sturm, as her mentor, will introduce the presenter. Composite materials for improving gear drive performance and low sticking surfaces Monika Kušter, Jožef Stafan Institute Meeting ID: 824 9454 5659 Passcode: 579068

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05 Mar: K7 VIRTUAL SEMINAR: Ipeknaz Özden & dr. Benjamin Podmiljšak, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana: Additive manufacturing at K7; 10.03.2022 at 13:00

pdf. On Thursday, 10.03.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. Additive manufacturing at K7Ipeknaz ÖZDEN & Benjamin PODMILJŠAK, Jožef Stefan Institute Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar

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28 Feb: K7 VIRTUAL SEMINAR: Dr. Aljaž Iveković, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana: Development and characterization of highly filled filaments for fused filament fabrication of ceramics; 03.03.2022 at 13:00

pdf. On Thursday, 03.03.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. Development and characterization of highly filled filaments for fused filament fabrication of ceramics Aljaž Iveković, Jožef Stefan Institute Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar

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13 Feb: K7 VIRTUAL SEMINAR: Dr. Petra Jenuš, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana: Microstructure and mechanical properties of W-based composites aged at temperatures above 1000 °C; 17.02.2022 at 13:00

On Thursday, 17.2.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. Microstructure and mechanical properties of W-based composites aged at temperatures above 1000 °C Petra Jenuš, Jožef Stefan Institute pdf. Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar

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21 Jan: K7 VIRTUAL SEMINAR: Dr. Boris Saje, Kolektor Group d.o.o., Idrija: Industrial development of magnetic components; 27.01.2022 at 13:00

On Thursday, 27.01.2022 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. Industrial development of magnetic components Dr. Boris Saje, Kolektor Group d.o.o., Idrija, Slovenia pdf. Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar

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17 Jan: Študija z naslovom “Non-uniform He bubble formation in W/W2C composite: Experimental and ab-initio study” je bila nedavno objavljena v prestižni znanstveni reviji na področju raziskav materialov, Acta Materialia.

Sodelavci odseka (Miran Čeh, Saša Novak in Petra Jenuš) so združili moči s sodelavci iz Cemm, Odsekom za fiziko nizkih in srednjih energij, Odsekom za plinsko elektroniko iz IJS ter kolegi iz Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung v raziskavi o nastanku helijevih mehurčkov v volframovih kompozitih. Študija z naslovom “Non-uniform He bubble formation in W/W2C composite: Experimental and ab-initio study” je bila nedavno objavljena v prestižni znanstveni reviji na področju raziskav materialov, Acta Materialia. Link:

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20 Dec: K7 VIRTUAL SEMINAR: Assoc. Prof. Aleš Omerzu, University of Rijeka: Semiconductors for Photocatalysis; 23.12.2021 at 13:00

On Thursday, 23.12.2021 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. Semiconductors for Photocatalysis Assoc. Prof. Aleš Omerzu, University of Rijeka [pdf] Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar

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16 Dec: New publication: Crystal Structure, Microstructure and Electronic Properties of a Newly Discovered Ternary Phase in the Al-Cr-Sc System.

We are exploring complex ternary systems in collaboration with the joint laboratory Push-Pull Alloys (PACS2, CNRS) in Nancy, France. This research focused on the crystal structure and electronic properties of the ternary phase in the very unexplored ternary system Al-Cr-Sc and how to incorporate these alloys into everyday life. crystals-11-01535_članek_Kušter_2021_dec