Dr. Sorour Semsari Parapari – Seminar
Abhilash Krishnamurthy – Seminar III_25.1.2024
Monika Kušter – Seminar III_18.01.2024
Innovation day Ljubljana 2023 Innovation-Day-2023-A4-en-PREVIEW-PAGES (1)
the documentary film “Made in Europe, from mine to electric vehicle”, filmed by Dr. Tom Peter Jones from KU Leuven, with whom we have already successfully collaborated on the DEMETER project.
Contribution of K7 in the recycling of waste magnets, which was broadcast on RTV SLO in the program Ugriznimo znanost, on the topic of the criticality of raw materials and recycling. https://www.rtvslo.si/rtv365/arhiv/174999771?s=tv https://365.rtvslo.si/arhiv/ugriznimo-znanost/174999857
dr. Tomaž Tomše and dr. Petra Jenuš from the Department of Nanostructured Materials K7 participated in the international tender ERA-MIN3: Transnational Call 2023 RAW MATERIALS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY with their projects SIREN – Rapidly sintered re-engineered Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets based on recycle content (Tomše) and GENIUS – Greener permanent magnets without or with less critical raw materials (Jenuš) ranked first and second out of 45 applications from around the world that were included in the evaluation. Both projects are aimed at environmentally improved technologies and at the same time increasing the recycling of permanent magnets, without which we cannot imagine the operation of electric motors or of wind turbine generators. With this, both projects will make a significant contribution to the green transition strategies. Both projects are also the only projects accepted for financing in which a Slovenian institution participates or is coordinated. Congratulations! Figure: Magnetic…