Seminar_Abram_16.12.2021 Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar
Seminar_Hudelja_2.12.2021Seminar_Hudelja_2.12.2021 Seminar_Korent_24.11.2021
Seminar_Alcantara Marinho_25.11.2021
Prihaja slovenska inovacija, ki napoveduje desetkrat hitrejšo pot do uporabe novih materialov Dr. Xuan Xu, Prof. Sašo Šturm and Prof. Kristina Žužek Rožman, were awarded with a silver medal for the innovation on the International exhibition ARCA in Zagreb Croatia. The innovation: »Enviromentally friendly and energy effecient method for recovery of rare earth elements«, contributes to a more sustainable and greener EU future with regards to recycling of critical raw materials i.e the rare earths from permanent magnets. The developed method (in the frame of MSCA DEMETER project) is based on electrochemical aspects and is environmentally friendly and energy efficient. The innovation was presented in collaboration with the Technology transfer office from Jožef Stefan Institute. Opis dosezka_srebrna medalja sejem ARCA_zuzek_okt 2021_plaketa
PostDoc_SENSE-PMC IJS K7_Žagar_2021