By Anže Abram Department seminars News 15 Apr: K7 VIRTUAL SEMINAR; Dr. Sina Khoshsima, JSI, LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA; “Synthesis and optimization of the transition metal boride nanoparticles and their possible magnetic/hybrid composite applications”, 22.4.2021, at 13.00 Seminar_Khoshsima_22.4.2021
By Anže Abram News 06 Apr: Odprto delovno mesto: DELO NA POSTAVITVI ROBOTIZIRANEGA LABORATORIJA ZA ODKRIVANJE NOVIH MATERIALOV, K7 razpis_novo delovno mesto_postavitev laboratorija_2021
By Anže Abram Department seminars News 06 Apr: K7 VIRTUAL SEMINAR; Giulia Della Pelle, JSI, LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA; “Stealth biomimetic nanocarriers for diagnostic and gene therapy (MPŠ Seminar)”, 9.4.2021, at 13.00 Seminar_Della Pelle_9.4.2021