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20 Dec: K7 VIRTUAL SEMINAR: Assoc. Prof. Aleš Omerzu, University of Rijeka: Semiconductors for Photocatalysis; 23.12.2021 at 13:00

On Thursday, 23.12.2021 at 13:00 o’clock you are kindly invited to the virtual seminar which will be in the online conference system ZOOM. Semiconductors for Photocatalysis Assoc. Prof. Aleš Omerzu, University of Rijeka [pdf] https://zoom.us/j/8369743221?pwd=dFYzV0lYVVN6b3FCdThzRzBWSDZPQT09 Meeting ID: 836 974 3221 Passcode: seminar

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16 Dec: New publication: Crystal Structure, Microstructure and Electronic Properties of a Newly Discovered Ternary Phase in the Al-Cr-Sc System.

We are exploring complex ternary systems in collaboration with the joint laboratory Push-Pull Alloys (PACS2, CNRS) in Nancy, France. This research focused on the crystal structure and electronic properties of the ternary phase in the very unexplored ternary system Al-Cr-Sc and how to incorporate these alloys into everyday life. crystals-11-01535_članek_Kušter_2021_dec

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22 Oct: Silver medal for the Innovation on the International exibition ARCA Zagreb, Croatia

http://www.arcahr.com/index.php?langId=1 Dr. Xuan Xu, Prof. Sašo Šturm and Prof. Kristina Žužek Rožman, were awarded with a silver medal for the innovation on the International exhibition ARCA in Zagreb Croatia. The innovation:  »Enviromentally friendly and energy effecient method for recovery of rare earth elements«, contributes to a more sustainable and greener EU future with regards to recycling of critical raw materials i.e the rare earths from permanent magnets. The developed method (in the frame of MSCA DEMETER project) is based on electrochemical aspects and is environmentally friendly and energy efficient. The innovation was presented in collaboration with the Technology transfer office from Jožef Stefan Institute. Opis dosezka_srebrna medalja sejem ARCA_zuzek_okt 2021_plaketa