Complex metallic alloys (JSI-CNRS joint laboratory)
International Associated Laboratories (LIA) initiated by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) lay the bases of cooperation around a joint project, between French team, Institute Jean Lamour, Nancy (France) and main partner abroad, Institute Jožef Stefan (IJS), Slovenia.
The IJS-CNRS International Associated Laboratory (LIA): “Push-Pull Alloys And Complex CompoundS (PACS2): from bulk properties to surface functions”, (LIA PACS2), was founded in 2015. The purpose of the LIA is to carry out the research project in the field of Push-Pull Alloys, which belong to the general class of Complex Metallic Alloys, with special emphasis on generating highly complex compounds and exploring their properties and potential applications. That includes search for new push-pull alloys in ternary metal systems, understanding the interplay between physical properties (mechanic, electric, magnetic) and underlying crystal structure in newly discovered complex metallic alloys, formation mechanism and crystallization of bulk metallic glasses prepared by melt-spinning and atomic-scale compositional and structural analysis of buried interfaces between metallic substrate and alloy thin films.

Selected publications:
KRNEL, P. KOŽELJ, S. VRTNIK, A. KOCJAN, Z. JAGLIČIĆ, P. BOULET, M.C. DE WEERD, J.M. DUBOIS, J. DOLINŠEK, Phys. Rev. B 93(9) (2016) 094202 (14 pp).
KELHAR, J. FERČIČ, P. BOULET, M. MAČEK-KRŽMANC, S. ŠTURM, M. LAMUT, B. MARKOLI, S. KOBE, J.-M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag., (2016) DOI: 10.1080/14786435.2016.1229062
KOCJAN, L. KELHAR, A. GRADIŠEK, B. LIKOZAR, K. ŽAGAR, J. GHANBAJA, S. KOBE, J.-M. DUBOIS, Advances in Mater. Sci. and Eng. Article ID 9203623, 9pp (2017),
NAGLIC, Z. SAMARDZIJA, K. DELIJIC, S. KOBE, J.-M. DUBOIS, B. LESKOVAR, B. MARKOLI, J. Mater. Sci. DOI 10.1007/s10853-017-1477-8.
LIA PACS2: International Associated Laboratory
Push-Pull AlloyS and Complex Compounds: From bulk properties to surface functions